Tips & tricks
Bullet journaling is all the rage, all over social media right now. But how does it work? And could this be your path to Organisation & Productivity Nirvana? ;) Find out in our free video course, with Anna Janises!

Guide to Bullet Journaling - VIDEO COURSE

Bullet journaling is all the rage, all over social media right now. But how does it work? And could this be your path to Organisation & Productivity Nirvana? ;) Find out in our free video course, with Anna Janises!

#Bullet Journaling #Guides and Tips

Gorgeous pictures of pimped up planner pages, complete with cute lettering and hand-drawn illustrations. Is this really what bullet journaling is about?

We’ve teamed up with planning person extraordinaire Anna Janises (@AnnaJanises) to break bullet journaling down for you, bullet by bullet.

Not an Art Journal
“What you see on Pinterest and Instagram is actually not what bullet journaling is at its core,” claims Anna. “I’d call that an art journal, really.”

Anna explains that while it’s fun to pimp your notebook or planner with cute doodles, fancy lettering and tons of washi tape, bullet journaling - bujo for short - is more about setting up a clear planning system than creating pretty planner spreads.

A Clever Time-Management System
“Bullet journaling is essentially a system for time and task management,” says Anna. “A system that can hold everything in the same place: your sticky notes, to-do lists and even things you write in your notebooks.”

With a few simple symbols, the bujo system allows you to get a clear overview of things with the help of a few different symbols. With these you can denote tasks, events, appointments, journal entries and notes, logging them in daily or weekly journals.

Bujo ❤️ Personal Planner
If you're already deep into the world of bullet journaling, a Personal Notebook with dot grid pages is a great choice (it's what Anna is using in the videos). But if you’re still quite new to this, a Personal Planner with a dot grid inlay is the *perfect* combination for you, as you’ll get the benefit of a pre-printed weekly structure.


Perhaps you don’t see yourself as a creative person, but don’t be intimidated by the pretty things you see on social media - listen to what Anna has to say in her videos and try out bujo for yourself!

Beginner's Guide to Bullet Journaling
Pt. 1. Overview of the Bullet Journal System

Pt. 2. Bullets and Signifiers

Pt. 3. Bujo in a Personal Planner: Weekly Spreads

Pt. 4. Bujo in a Personal Planner: Future Logging

Pt. 5. Collections

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