Monthly Overview

Family Planner

Family Planner with Monthly Overview | Personal Planner Family Planner with Monthly Overview | Personal Planner

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Why a Family Planner with a Monthly Overview?

Monthly Calendar

The monthly overview gives you a quick at-a-glance picture of what everyone is up to that month.

Up to 5 Columns

Give every family member a column each, with name & photo, and keep track of everyone’s activities.

High Quality Paper

Your cover photo is printed on glossy paper, while the calendar pages are semi-matte for easy writing.

How Do I Create a Monthly Family Planner?

How Do I Create a Monthly Family Planner?

  • Upload the photos you want to use
  • Hop into the design tool! Start by designing your cover by adding your photo & text
  • Now select your starting month, national holidays, font, and language (available in 16 different languages)
  • Choose a design for your page header
  • Create one column for each family member! Add up to 5 columns, and add a photo, name, and colour to each column
  • Add your personal dates
  • Check that you’re happy with all your choices, then place your order. Done!