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Learn to Budget like a CFO in 3 Steps
Get 3 expert tips on budgeting & saving, from our very own CFO, Stina. Put your knowledge into action with a free budget printable here today!
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In these shaky times, many of us are probably thinking a little extra about how we spend our hard-earned bucks - and perhaps even wonder where it all goes so quickly!
Our brilliant chief financial officer, Stina, shares some practical tips on budgeting and saving below, where you can also download a monthly budget template.

Try renting out things you dont use very often - think tools, or even art! You could also consider renting out your home if youre away on vacation a couple of weeks or more every year.
Do you have any things kicking around your house that you dont use or need any more? SELL THEM.

Never spend money you dont have! Small loans and credit can quickly become a debt trap.
Revise your food spend! Would you benefit from eating out less often, and eat a packed lunch instead?
Try our budget planner pages and get on top of your personal finances this year. You can add them at the back of your planner, or create an entire Budgeting Book in a notebook.

I use my Budget Planner for tracking smaller goals that I can check on each month. I plan my purchases here in advance, to avoid any spontaneous or unnecessary ones. If I know Im going to need a new jacket in October, then thatll be in my budget already, says Stina.
The most important thing to remember is that its never too late to get on top of your finances, and to start steering them the way you want! It can feel like an uphill battle in the beginning, but once you take off with your savings, youll realise what a great habit this is! And dont forget that its always OK to ask for help. I promise you that theres lots of people around you, including on social media, that you can learn much from, says Stina.
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