Tips & tricks
Curious about bullet journaling? Need some ideas and fresh inspiration for your spreads? Here’s 10 great ideas to try out in your bujo today!

Bullet Journaling in a Personal Planner - 10 Fun Ideas

Curious about bullet journaling? Need some ideas and fresh inspiration for your spreads? Here’s 10 great ideas to try out in your bujo today!

#Bullet Journaling #Inspiration #Guides and Tips

Bullet journaling - you’ve probably heard of it before. Maybe you’re scratching your head a little shyly right now, digging deep into your memory bank without really remembering what it actually means. Or perhaps you’re a bujo pro looking to be inspired by some new lovely spreads.

Regardless, we promise you’ll enjoy reading this inspiration and information packed article. Keep scrolling to see 10 brilliant ideas for a beautiful (and useful!) bullet journal spread!

What Is Bullet Journaling?

Bullet journaling is a method for organising your planning, often in a calendar or a notebook. It’s like a combination of journaling, to-do lists, and calendar planning - in a truly personal way! Bullet journaling was created by designer Ryder Carroll as a flexible and simple system to help people organise their thoughts, goals, and daily to-dos in a creative and efficient manner.

The foundation of bullet journaling is using short, simple symbols (like bullets, dashes, and circles) to describe and structure various notes and tasks. By creatively combining lists, diagrams, drawings, symbols, and figures, you can create a truly personalised journal that fits your life and your needs. Talk about taking your planning to new heights!

Bullet journal spread with monthly planning, flowers and lists

How Do You Create a Bullet Journal?

A great way to get started with a bullet journal is to choose a layout with plenty of space when you’re creating your calendar section. When you’re creating your book in our design editor online, make sure to select one of the options where the week is printed on the left side of the spread, leaving the right side blank.

Next, you can choose to keep a blank page or insert a layout with dot grid, lines, or our specially designed page for bullet journaling. Here, you’ll find preprinted shapes, lines, and a section with dot grid - perfect for getting started with your bujo!

Did you know that we have a specially designed Bujo Book with lots of pre-selected template pages? You could say it's your shortcut to bullet journaling - check it out here!

Bullet journal spread with weekly planning

10 Inspiring Ideas for Your Bullet Journal

Need some inspiration for your bullet journal? Here are 10 ideas to inspire you!

Weekly spread in a bullet journal
  1. Create a weekly spread using bullet journaling to start the week off right.

Planning a kids party in a bullet journal
  1. Plan your next kids party - doodle, make lists, and arrange seating!

Creating colourful headers in a bullet journal
  1. Draw a new header for each month! Get creative with different colours and fonts.

Bullet journal spread with monthly overview, mood tracker & lists
  1. Make a monthly overview to get a clear view of the month. A mood tracker and various lists are easy to create and practical to have. Log your mood and keep track of everything that needs to be done!

Planning and sketching a garden in a bullet journal
  1. Plan your garden! Where will you place your raised beds, what will you plant in them, and when? With a bullet journal, you get a clear overview of everything.

Bullet journal spread with dumpling recipe
  1. Write down and save all your favourite recipes! Do we need to say more than YUM?

Bullet journal with travel planning, places to see, packing list and flight details
  1. A bullet journal is perfect for planning your trip in advance. Where are you going, what do you want to see and visit?

Bullet journal filled with summer memories, with photos & text
  1. Fill your bullet journal with lots of lovely summer memories!

Bullet journal spread with various lists
  1. What’s a bullet journal spread without lists? Long, short, different shapes and colors - the possibilities are endless!

Bullet journal with hand-drawn flowers in different colors
  1. Doodle lots of different flowers - or other things you like!

Must-Haves for Your Bullet Journal


What Should a Bullet Journal Contain?

You’ve probably noticed that we’ve thrown around a few different terms here. In a typical bullet journal, there are some things that many include to organise their thoughts, plans, and lives. There are plenty of other terms to discover within bullet journaling, but here are some of the most common:

  1. Key: A fundamental aspect of bullet journaling is using various basic symbols to make planning easier. For example, a round circle might mean "to do," a filled circle might mean "completed," an exclamation mark might mean "idea," and so on. You decide! Write down all your keys so you can easily remember what they mean.

  2. Index: An introductory page where you list the different sections or categories in your bullet journal. This makes it easier to navigate and quickly find specific spreads.

  3. Future Log: An overview of upcoming months where you can note significant events, birthdays, trips, or other important dates you want to keep track of.

  4. Daily Log: A page or spread for each day where you can list your tasks, meetings, events, and other to-dos. This is where your keys come in handy!

  5. Weekly Log: A spread for the upcoming week where you can plan and review the week’s goals, tasks, events, and distribute tasks over several days.

  6. Monthly Log: A page for each month where you can plan important events, goals, and tasks for the specific month. It may include a calendar overview and a list of monthly tasks or goals.

  7. Bucket List: Create a bucket list of things you would like to do - no dreams are too big!

  8. Tracker: Track your habits, mood, goals, or activities in a tracker! You can learn more about yourself and keep track of different things you want to monitor, continue, or improve.

You choose exactly how you want your bullet journal to look and how you want to use your creativity in your planner. The goal is to create an even more personal planning tool that helps you organize and plan your days effectively!

Good luck!

Would you like a brief overview of the basics of bullet journaling? Check out our lovely video course, A Beginner’s Guide To Bullet Journaling, med Anna Janises here!

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