Paper Clips
Sometimes, it’s the most unassuming details that add the greatest touch of class to our lives. Take a paper clip, for instance. A small object, made from metal, with the simple purpose of holding a couple or more sheets of paper together. But when formed in the shape of a diamond or fitted out with a cute tassel, we suddenly have a planner enhancer of the greatest kind. Use our paper clips as a snazzy alternative to a traditional bookmark, to hold your polaroids in place in a spread, or simply to prettify your planner, notebook or bullet journal. Here’s a tip: always get a few more paper clips than you think you’ll need - they have a remarkable tendency to disappear all on their own, presumably ending up in the same place as all your lost pens, hairpins and odd socks!
Sometimes, it’s the most unassuming details that add the greatest touch of class to our lives. Take a paper clip, for instance. A small object, made from metal, with the simple purpose of holding a couple or more sheets of paper together. But when formed in the shape of a diamond or fitted out with a cute tassel, we suddenly have a planner enhancer of the greatest kind. Use our paper clips as a snazzy alternative to a traditional bookmark, to hold your polaroids in place in a spread, or simply to prettify your planner, notebook or bullet journal. Here’s a tip: always get a few more paper clips than you think you’ll need - they have a remarkable tendency to disappear all on their own, presumably ending up in the same place as all your lost pens, hairpins and odd socks!